Monday, March 07, 2005

So you end up watching chances fade and wondering what's real....

Not much of an update

Yucky weather in Murray

I took a shower outside in the rain today. I was walking from class and it was pouring down rain...and of course i'm all dressed up for National Badge i take of my heels, roll up my pants and walk to my dorm. It was very refreshing to feel the cold water on my feet, especially after walking in heels all day... and not worrying about getting wet, because i was already pretty soaked...I didn't mind i mean it's only water...but hey the "play in the rain is worth catching the cold" according to my buddy Michael Tolcher...:-) i'm such a dork sometimes

Speaking of Michael Tolcher, he's going to be at Memphis in May, April 29!! And so is Jack Johnson!! WOuld be fabulous if I could go...I think i just may have to..

Missed English today...woke up 5 min before i was spose to be i have to meet with my professor about my paper tomorrow...

So nothing much going on, i have a biology exam on Thursday that i should probably start studying for...but alas i've been napping for a good part of the afternoon..and in an hour i have all campus sing practice...meh...there's always later tonight...but i really do need to find a sleeping pattern..i have no idea what that is...

Anyways i'm peacing out, but before i do i leave you with some wisdom from my buddy Sigmund Freud...(I broke up with him yesterday...he was getting too repetitive..)

"My love is something valuable to me which I ought not to throw away without reflection. It imposes duties on me for whose fulfilment I must be ready to make sacrifices. If I love someone, he must deserve it in some way. He deserves it if he is so like me in important ways that I can love myself in him; and he deserves it if he is so much more perfect than myself that I can love my ideal of my own self in him."

Ok..productive Randa time

Ki bye


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