I find i'm scared to know i'm always on your mind....

You're chocolate. You're the old soul type, people
feel that they have known you their entire
life. Many often open up to you for they view
you as thoughtful and trustworthy. Although
people trust you, you have a hard time trusting
them. You prefer to keep your feelings bottled
up inside, or display them very quietly. It is
alright to open up every once in a while.
Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Beautiful day in Murray. And the sun is out, which always makes me happy! I actually had an hour for lunch today-my philosophy teacher is flying to Sacramento right now as i type for a philosophy conference...Lucky....
I don't really have an update but i did see this on someone else's website and i thought it was cool...and plus i have time before class so here goes...
10 years ago I...
1. First saw snow while we were playing on the playground at Andrew Jackson Elementary School
2. Shared a room with my two little brothers
3. Was very shy and hated talking to people because I still had a strong accent
5 years ago I...
1. Started my freshman year at Jackson Central Merry
2. Thought my life was stressful with marching band (lol..yea....)
3. Was dreaming of the day when i could get my license to drive
1 year ago I...
1. Was part of a group that petitioned to attend Madison Academic High School
2. Was on the Academic Decathlon team, which consumed my life, but hey we won nationals so it's all good
3. Was Stressing about the whole college application process
So far this year I...
1. Joined and am loving Tri Sigma
2. Am definitely enjoying the college scene
3. Am trying to explore options and just enjoy living
Yesterday I...
1. Actually stayed awake in my biology class until the last 5 minutes of class
2. Stayed up till 4:30 (I have no sleeping pattern...)
3. Was freezing
Today I...
1. Have one more class in 45 minutes
2. Get to play with kiddies at the park
3. Am probably going to be bonding with Chemistry all night long...then he gives me a test tomorrow...
In 1 year I...
1. Will be a junior (muahaha yay for college credit)
2. Hope that i will know what i want to do
3. Will wish for happiness...
In 5 years I...
1. Hopefully will be a 2nd year Med school student
2. Will be somewhere else other than Murray
3. Will definitely not have a sleeping pattern
In 10 years I...
1. Hopefully will be doing my residency
2. Will be 30....*gasp*
3. Will look back on life and have no regrets
Meh these are all really vague and general, because in all actuality, I don't know what will happen in the future...we are not promised tomorrow, so we need to enjoy this moment righthere...no one ever really knows what tomorrow will bring, but we can have hopes and dreams for the future.
Anyway that's all for now, more later i'm sure
Pick up line of the day: I see you're drinking one percent
Do you think you're fat?
Cuz you're not, you could be drinking
whole if you wanted to...
That crazy Napoleon guy...
But really i mean what do you say to that if someone came up and said that to you...
Ki bye
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