Because i'm five foot two, i want to dance with you, and i'm sophisticated fun....
Actually i'm not 5'2..i'm 5'0...actually not even that...i'm 4'11 1/2....but you doesn't really rhyme so whatever
Had a fabulous time last night dancing my butt off at the Sig Ep house. But then you know me i like to dance. O yea and i can still shoot some hoops...with 3 inch heels on. Yessssss!
So today it's very spring's gorgeous but the wind is slightly chilly. Yay for only having 2 classes today. My philosophy class got cancelled since my professor was going to be out of town. And it's going to be like that for the next 3 weeks...Wahoo. I totally fell asleep in English again today...i really...dislike that class very much. I never know what's going on, and my teacher has been sick for like a week...and so someone else is trying to teach us, but we're still expected to do what we were supposed to do..but it's kind of hard when someone tells you one thing and another person tries to teach you another way...blahhhhhhh
I still have random people coming up to me and telling me they loved Vagina Monologues, and for the past few days, most of em have been guys....hmmmmm...indeed...
So life here is good..i'm pretty happy...for the most part. There have been plenty of random moments, but this is the time to experience randomness. One has to realize that we are not given tomorrow and although we need to have some sort of idea for the future, our lives should not be totally consumed by it. This is the present. So..LIVE in it!! i'm getting kinda yea i have to give a tour so i'm peacing out.
Till next time
Stolen quote of the day: You don't get to choose who you fall in love with and you get this person who is all wrong and all right at the same time. And you know you love them so much except sometimes they just drive you completely insane and no one can explain it. And the reason why it's so confusing is because it's love, but if love didn't have any challenges, then what would be the point?
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