I'm walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind...on the border line and on the edge and where i walk alone...
Wahoo for my first class being cancelled. My teacher has the flu. She's been sick a lot this semester.
After my chemistry class, i'm packing and i'm peacing the freak out of Murray to lovely Jackson then to D.C. next week. It will be good to see my grandmother and other family up there. I haven't seen them since my grandfather passed away two years ago.
Thought of the Day:
Never underestimate what impact a simple gesture can have on someone. I emailed one of my sisters who i know has been having issues and just told her that i hope she comes around again. I saw her last night at the Sig Ep house and she started crying and told me that it meant a lot that someone still cared.
I party hopped last night with my girls, but for some reason the energy and hype wasn't all that I was expecting. That could have just been me though. There was this guy from New York that kept following me all night at the Sig Ep house. SO i rocked the night away with the girls.
I had a really insightful conversation with Alisa last night. Thanks for listening to me! It's good to talk about things sometimes, and i know that but i never do it. I keep things bottled up until i drive myself to the point of confusion. And i know a lot of people get frustrated that i never get exactly to the point but it's because i care too damn much. I don't ever want to hurt or offend anyone or say something stupid or something i might regret. So until i become that girl who doesn't give a damn, then you're stuck with me...
And now, a song quote:
I walk this empty street on the Boulevard of broken dreams, where the city sleeps and i'm the only one and i walk alone...My shadow's the only one that walks beside me..my shadow's heart's the only thing that's beating..sometimes i wish someone out there will find me..till then i walk alone...
In case you couldn't tell, i'm listening to Green Day's "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"
They seem to like roads...
Everyone have a safe and fabulous spring break. See you next next week
ki bye
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