In honor of Valentine's Day....

youre soft on the inside but have a protective
shell so you dont melt for all things
sentimental. while youre not going to forget
what's important to you, youre also open to
romance in whatever form it might take. youll
hav an amazing vday, whether you spend it w/ a
cute boy, or hav a girls' night out.
how romantic are you?
brought to you by
Wahoo for having a good time on Vday...i personally will be in the Vagina Monologues, so come see me!!!
Twas good getting to see my parents tonight even though it was only for a short while. Makes you realize even more how blessed i am to have such wonderful supportive parents and that I miss em. Dress rehearsal went well, can't wait for tomorrow on the actual vday! Happy for the show to go on, kinda sad that it's over, but relieved that it will now i can concentrate on other school and whatnot.
Gah my roommate and i are complete opposites when it comes to sleeping habits...i would rather stay up and get work done, she'd rather wake up's kind of annoying...and she borrows a lot of my doesn't bother me...i mean we all pretty much borrow each other's gets annoying when she has the exact same computer...or...moisturizer....i could just be paranoid...or i could just be annoyed right now becuase i had to take out someone's laundry....GAH people watch your time!!!
Well well Randa is going to be productive...hope everyone has an excellent Valentine's Day..or Single Awareness or whatever you prefer to call it...
Peace out
Happy Valentines Day, sweetie. I can't wait to see you. I love you.
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