Monday, January 24, 2005

What's wrong with the world mama....

I'm totally listening to this version of Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" TAGALOG....and it's a RAP's actually pretty amusing :-)

Oh Mondays how i love thee...i really like this 9:30 class...i don't have to get up till 8!! Although i'm trying to force myself to wake up at 5 tomorrow to actually work out...i don't get to work out in the afternoons or nights since i'm so busy this i'll letcha know how that goes...Tomorrow is an 8:00 Biology class...

I was watching Oprah today, and her show really to me. Oprah sent Lisa Ling (who if ya'll remember Channel One from middle school, she was on it) to Congo to report just what's going on there. There's a war going on, something with the one really knows about it, well because we're so focused on the Middle East right now and with the recent tsunami. So here's the story of Nabitu, a 45 year old woman, who was raped by 8 men. They stormed into her house, raped her 10 and 14 year old daughters, and they even tried to force her 20 year old son to rape her. They also got her 6 year old son to spread her legs before they tried to get the 20 year old son to rape her. They both refused and said they would rather die. Well they beat the 20 year old son to death and raped Nabitu some more.....then they proceeded to pull out all her pubic hand...i know that's a graphic detail..but really WTF..that's INHUMANE...i is it that something as horrible as this happens to innocent people? Lisa then interviewed some men who had witnessed their wives being raped in front of them, and some of them left them because they were ashamed of their if it was their fault. This is happening RIGHT NOW in Congo. You could tell the women were so emotionally worn out, just by their facial expressions. Their eyes had no life to them, it was pretty much like a living dead... Women and children have no hope for the future there. Women are currently living on a meager EIGHTY CENTS A DAY. Think about that the next time you complain that we don't have money......CAN YOU IMAGINE...

I know it's easy to become so self involved that we don't think about anything else..but RIGHT NOW our world is in a state of CHAOS. Along with this, the conflict in the Middle East, and the Tsunami, and various other situations that we don't hear about....I was reading part of the script for the Vagina Monologues and here are just some facts....

Countlesss women were burned or killed in the Iraqi war. The United States Government calls i collateral damage and will not be prosecuted.

5000 women have been acid burned by their families in Islamabad, Pakistan. 90 per cent of them have died. Not one person prosecuted.

And there's a monologue about women in Juarez, Mexico, where they were pretty much abused and mutilated until only the bone was left..practically walking skeletons....

I'm so glad i'm a part of something big like the Vagina Monologues. These are just a few issues that the play talks about. I encourage you to go see this play if it's at your school, or somewhere near. Some of the subject is and WILL be uncomfortable, but some of it is funny as well.. It is mostly informational and to just promote awareness. So for all you Murray people reading this, come see the Vagina Monologues, Valentine's Day, 7 p.m. Curris Center Theatre. Tickets are $5 and all proceeds go to the Womens' Center. Bring a Date, a friend, you family, whatever. Guys, i bet if you take a girl to it..she would be impressed...i know i would be...but then's probably just would certainly be a memorable first date...

I really think that whatever happens with me and medicine...I would like to definitely take around the world and help those who really need it...or if medicine doesn't work out...then..i'll just travel the world and really just breaks my heart knowing that women, children, men, are suffering around the world..and here i am sitting complaining about my college life....

On a brighter note, I talked to Justin Baas today. My CHA buddy who's at Samford, and i found out that he is now a SIG EP!! So naturally i had to rave about how much i love the Sig eps up here, blah blah blah, and we reminisced about CHA in Murray. Oh fun times...he's even thinkin about coming to visit! So yay for that i guess

Well i hope i didn't depress anyone too much...I have a date with a certain Biology i'm going to take care of that. Have a beautiful day tomorrow

Peace Out


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