Monday, January 31, 2005

I'm walkin on sunshine...wHoa WhOa WHOA....

You Are the Girl Next Door!

You're caring, warm, and the girl that nice guys want to marry.
Uncomplicated and simple, you've got an easy going attitude guys love.
But this doesn't mean you're dull - far from it!
You're a great conversationalist, and you're an expert at living the good life.

What Kind of Girl Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Yay for another random online quiz with a picture. Thought i'd update a little bit since i know it gets boring reading the same thing over and over again.

Had a fairly fun weekend. I party hopped with some of my Gamma Chis..twas fun stuff..i ended up being the DD but it was still fun because i danced my butt off...and you know me and dancing...we get along really well. I even saw 2 guys that i went to high school with; they were visiting from UT Martin. Woo hoo for the random encounter!

Vday practice is going along swimmingly. I'm so excited about this production! It's gon' be OFF THE HOOK but really it will be. THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES ARE COMING! ARE YOU? CURRIS CENTER THEATRE, VALENTINE'S DAY (that's Feb. 14 for those who are clueles..) 7 p.m. Tickets are $5 and all proceeds go to the Women's Center here at MSU. There will also be a silent auction on the same night, and on February 11, we will be having a benefit concert of various bands in the Stables! So come out....bring a brotha..a sistah...a friend, a date, your cousin...your aunt's niece's sister in-law's mother's uncle...whatever

Nothing really much going on..cept i had a slight case of the Mondays was so hard to focus and stay awake today..I really should start going to bed earlier...MEH o well yay for 8:00 classes tomorrow..but i only have 2! So hah!


It's RUSH WEEK! I encouraGe guys tO come out and ruSh just to see what's It like..and just Go where you feEl most comfortable.. but i'm not trying to Persuade you to a particular organization...GO GREEK! yay..

Anyways..i have a date with chemistry...Peace out ya'll

Friday, January 28, 2005

i love my little Filipino baby.....

This week has gone by SO FAST. And i've certainly been busy with school, COR, VDAY rehearsals, meetings's cool though. WE GOT FIVE NEW AWESOME SIGMAS!!! And Val my RA, who i absolutely ADORE is now a sister! It's kinda weird not being the baby Sigmas anymore..but at the same time it's all very exciting!

So tonight I went to a Pre-Med meeting, and i learned something that can be applied to everyone. So here's the definition of BURNING OUT- A dislocation between what you are doing and what is expected of you. We are expected to do a lot of things but i think that's the problem... We have to adjust our expectations of not only others, but OURSELVES. We have to realize that we are not superheroes...but that is hard, especially in this society. I think that is definitely a big problem of mine. I try to do TOO many things. I don't think i'm fully out of the Superwoman High School Randa mode. I really need to stop and really focus on what REALLY matters to me. So in saying that, it's almost necessary for me to write the things that I truly care about or want. It's pretty general....same thing that everyone wants....Love, Respect, Friendship....Performing Well and living up to my potential. I truly believe that one can do anything with a certain determined persistence. I know i have not done my best yet...but I can assure you that the issue will definitely change.

So i was in the elevator in the fine arts building today and the woman with me asked if I was Filipino. I was kind of taken aback...usually those are things that people just don't notice around here...but she said her best friend was Filipino. So yay! It really makes me wonder what other people REALLY think of me when they first see or meet me. I know we say that other peoples' opinions do not matter, but as a matter of is. our society functions on pleasing others in order to feel accepted. We have to please others in order to succeed.

I met a guy from Cyprus today. His name was Yanni. I love meeting international people... i feel...connected to them somehow..but at the same time, I know that i'm not really an international student...I've been pretty much "Americanized." In the eyes of Internationals, I am "American," just by the way i speak and present myself. If I were to go back to the Philippines right now, the natives would automatically be able to tell that I was American...just by my Southern American drawl and other western mannerisms. But then, when i'm around...just "Americans," I can't help but still feel a little odd...sometimes out of place... like when people ask me where i'm from and I tell them Tennessee...people will sometimes look at me if they are expecting another answer...and so i go on to explain that I am originally from the is inevitable...or if I don't explain right away, they ask me what my ethnicity is...I know i shouldn't feel that out...technically there is no one standard of what indeed is "American.." It would be different if I was born and raised here...i probably would not feel weird at times, but just the fact that I've lived in the Philippines, and came here at an age where i can still remember things from the Philippines...i guess that is what makes the difference.....Call it paranoia...but i don't's just hard to explain..and no one would really be able to relate to what i'm saying right i'm going to stop...I sometimes tend to make things seem bigger than what they really are...which leads to me worrying about something very trivial. Anyway....i'm peacing out..I have a date with my bed...

Good night ya'll.

Monday, January 24, 2005

What's wrong with the world mama....

I'm totally listening to this version of Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" TAGALOG....and it's a RAP's actually pretty amusing :-)

Oh Mondays how i love thee...i really like this 9:30 class...i don't have to get up till 8!! Although i'm trying to force myself to wake up at 5 tomorrow to actually work out...i don't get to work out in the afternoons or nights since i'm so busy this i'll letcha know how that goes...Tomorrow is an 8:00 Biology class...

I was watching Oprah today, and her show really to me. Oprah sent Lisa Ling (who if ya'll remember Channel One from middle school, she was on it) to Congo to report just what's going on there. There's a war going on, something with the one really knows about it, well because we're so focused on the Middle East right now and with the recent tsunami. So here's the story of Nabitu, a 45 year old woman, who was raped by 8 men. They stormed into her house, raped her 10 and 14 year old daughters, and they even tried to force her 20 year old son to rape her. They also got her 6 year old son to spread her legs before they tried to get the 20 year old son to rape her. They both refused and said they would rather die. Well they beat the 20 year old son to death and raped Nabitu some more.....then they proceeded to pull out all her pubic hand...i know that's a graphic detail..but really WTF..that's INHUMANE...i is it that something as horrible as this happens to innocent people? Lisa then interviewed some men who had witnessed their wives being raped in front of them, and some of them left them because they were ashamed of their if it was their fault. This is happening RIGHT NOW in Congo. You could tell the women were so emotionally worn out, just by their facial expressions. Their eyes had no life to them, it was pretty much like a living dead... Women and children have no hope for the future there. Women are currently living on a meager EIGHTY CENTS A DAY. Think about that the next time you complain that we don't have money......CAN YOU IMAGINE...

I know it's easy to become so self involved that we don't think about anything else..but RIGHT NOW our world is in a state of CHAOS. Along with this, the conflict in the Middle East, and the Tsunami, and various other situations that we don't hear about....I was reading part of the script for the Vagina Monologues and here are just some facts....

Countlesss women were burned or killed in the Iraqi war. The United States Government calls i collateral damage and will not be prosecuted.

5000 women have been acid burned by their families in Islamabad, Pakistan. 90 per cent of them have died. Not one person prosecuted.

And there's a monologue about women in Juarez, Mexico, where they were pretty much abused and mutilated until only the bone was left..practically walking skeletons....

I'm so glad i'm a part of something big like the Vagina Monologues. These are just a few issues that the play talks about. I encourage you to go see this play if it's at your school, or somewhere near. Some of the subject is and WILL be uncomfortable, but some of it is funny as well.. It is mostly informational and to just promote awareness. So for all you Murray people reading this, come see the Vagina Monologues, Valentine's Day, 7 p.m. Curris Center Theatre. Tickets are $5 and all proceeds go to the Womens' Center. Bring a Date, a friend, you family, whatever. Guys, i bet if you take a girl to it..she would be impressed...i know i would be...but then's probably just would certainly be a memorable first date...

I really think that whatever happens with me and medicine...I would like to definitely take around the world and help those who really need it...or if medicine doesn't work out...then..i'll just travel the world and really just breaks my heart knowing that women, children, men, are suffering around the world..and here i am sitting complaining about my college life....

On a brighter note, I talked to Justin Baas today. My CHA buddy who's at Samford, and i found out that he is now a SIG EP!! So naturally i had to rave about how much i love the Sig eps up here, blah blah blah, and we reminisced about CHA in Murray. Oh fun times...he's even thinkin about coming to visit! So yay for that i guess

Well i hope i didn't depress anyone too much...I have a date with a certain Biology i'm going to take care of that. Have a beautiful day tomorrow

Peace Out

Friday, January 21, 2005

Singing Belleville Rendezvous........

So this week was the first week of school..kinda..but from what i've gone to so far, i think i'm going to do fine this semester.

I really like my chemistry teacher a lot. I definitely like his approach of teaching better, he makes it personal, and he knows all these other little facts about everything, which makes it more interesting.

My Biology teacher is British and my math teacher is Ethiopian...those are interesting as well

My English class...well it looks like it may give me trouble...but i'm not that worried about it...everyone else is just as lost as i am

I really like my Philosophy II class. I'm the only freshman in there, but it's cool. We got into this really passionate discussion in general today. Twas fun.

Saw a French cartoon tonight called the Triplets of Belleville. Twas really amusing. It was about this boy, his grandmother, and a dog. The boy grows up, and all the while his grandma trains him to bike. He bikes in the Tour de France and gets kidnapped by the French Mafia...twas really funny..and everyone in the movie was fat...

Hmmmm so i'm definitely enjoying our fabulous new wellness center..i've pretty much been swimming laps all week! Yay for that..

Tomorrow i'm giving my first tour..not a real one because i'm kind of just going along and still kinda in training...just to see what it's like. SHould be interesting..then dinner and basketball game with my Gamma Chi's so should be a fun night!

As weird as it is..i'm really tired, even though i didn't have class till 9:30 and got done at 12:30...that was REALLY nice. I even helped a friend pack for his skiing trip..what would you do without me? ;-)

Meh that's all for now

Peace out

Sunday, January 16, 2005

There she was just a walkin down the street.....

Hello journal land

Just got done watching the movie Saved. Twas an amusing movie. I'm attempting to pack and i realize i've only been up 12 hours today. So in the 12 hours that i've been up, i will give you a detail of what i've done today...

So i wake up, have lunch with my family and we eat the palabok that i cooked. After that went store hopping with my mom and found some great deals..on..everything..(like a Kenneth Cole wool coat for $30...YEA ROSS!!!) and some picture boards for my room in murray, bought my bros some stuff..ran into some people, all that good stuff. Took my mom to her haircut appointment, took my bro Virgilio to the movies, went around with my mom some more...tried to look for more wool coats but they were all on sale for $ no more wool coats for went back home, made supper...and watched the movie. And now i'm attempting to pack to go back to Murray..and this post is hindering me from finishing...well really starting...but then as Alexander puts it, i really don't need to pack...because i never really unpacked...which is...true...somewhat...prior to leaving for the holidays, i pretty much had to pack 2 for i guess i just need to "tidy up" Tis ok though, Virgilio told me not to room will be clean once i leave..which is..true again.

I can't believe how much my brothers have grown. Awww!! I love em. I can remember the days when we would put them both in shopping carts...ah those were the days.

I'm having lunch with the Claytons tomorrow. Should be fun times.

So having said all that i'm going to attempt to start packing"tidying up" my room some more

Much love,

Randa Gilanne

Friday, January 14, 2005

When i'm feeling sad, i simply remember my favorite things and then i dont' bad....

Well well today was a seemingly normal day but somehow it was an off day for my dad. Everything i did and said got to him and today was the day i never did anything right according to him. Blah indeed. I drive and it feels like i'm in driver's ed all over again. I cook and of course it's not perfect. Just a lot of other stupid little things. He's just so nitpicky about everything...everything just HAS to be perfect...well i'm not so i guess i'll just keep being a disappointement. Double blah indeed. So yea...ready to go back to Murray.

I went to my first Madison High School Basketball game..and to think i'm an alumni. Twas fun getting to see everyone again...and makes me gladder than i'm not in high school anymore. Just little nitpicky drama all over again. So i think nitpicky will be the word of the night. That was the third time i used that.

So have fun reading my favorite things...and it helped not make me sad..somewhat...

On that note i'm going to watch a blockbuster with my mom.

Peace out

You are Jasmine from Aladdin!!!

Thirteen random things you like:
Swing Dancing
Popping my knuckles
Star Gazing
Folding laundry
Playing with the toys at Walmart
Getting high on fragrant candles
The colors Red, Pink, Purple, and Green
Dressing up-even though i look like a bum everyday
Tri Sigma

Twelve movies you like:
1. Imitation of Life
2. Love Story
3. While You Were Sleeping
4. Notting Hill
5. My Best Friend's Wedding
6. Pirates of the Caribbean
8. Finding Nemo
9. Spiderman
10. Aladdin
11. Little Mermaid
12. Little Rascals

Eleven good bands/artists:
1. Frank Sinatra
2. Dean Martin
3. Jamie Cullum
4. Jack Johnson
5. Beatles
6. Beach Boys
7. Coldplay
8. Michelle Branch
9. Destiny's Child
10. Lea Salonga
11. Edwin McCain

Ten things about you:
1. I worry too much about stupid things
2. I LOVE Procrastination... it is like a drug.
3. I'm somehow related to the Sultan of Brunei....
4. Gozum means "my eye" in Turkish
5. My eyes are uneven-i have one eye that is bigger than the other
6. I had a pet water buffalo
7. I am very devoted to my family and they will always come first in my life
8. I sing random songs and get them stuck in people's heads
9. I'm a rice-a-holic
10. I am a Tri Sigma.

Ten good friends: (in no particular order)
1. Kaylen Mallard
2. Dominique Markin
3. Matthew Clayton
4. Jessica Galin
5. Cody Dinkins
6. Nick White
7. Alexander Roberts
8. Brittaney Hall
9. Courtney Young
10. Breck Boswell

TEN favorite foods/drinks:
2. Chicken Alfredo
3. Mangoes, Lychees, Pineapples, and Papaya
4. Pepsi
5. Sweet Tea
6. Anything Filipino (esp. Palabok, lumpia, pansit, sinigang, calderetta, adobo, tapa...YUM...)
7. My dad's cooking( which includes-Garlic chicken, Beef Curry, Palabok, Lentil Soup...)
8. Pad Thai
9. Basically anything ethnic..esp Indian food

Seven things you wear daily:
1. Watch
2. at least one hair tie
3. Something to make me smell pretty
4. Underwear
5. Lotion
6. A Smile
7. Clothes

Six things that annoy you:
1. Those who are close-minded or superficial
2. Those who are ungrateful
3. Those who are self-absorbed and think they are better than others
4. The smell of cigarette smoke
5. Those who are selfish
6. People who don't use their turn signals!

Five things you (generally) touch everyday:
1. Keyboard
2. Cell Phone
3. Lipgloss
5. My pillow

Four shows you watch:
1. Oprah
2. Alias
3. Sex and the City
4. Desperate Housewives

Three celebrities you have a crush on:
1. Usher
2. Orlando Bloom
3. I don't know...Prince William?

Two people you'd like to kiss:
Wouldn't you like to know? ;-)

One person you could spend the rest of your life with:
Guess we'll have to see won't we? ;-)

You can run, you can hide, but you can't escape my love...

You should be dating a Gemini
21 May - 20 June
This mate is inquisitive, entertaining and
charming, liberal, broad-minded and youthful.
Though Gemini has a tendency to be impatient,
gossipy and sometimes irritable, this twin has
the ability to expresses his or her pent up
emotions during sex!

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
brought to you by Quizilla

Well guess what? I am so ha...

Went on a date last night..went to Baudo's (an Italian restaurant), then Matt and I went to go see The Aviator. It was a really good movie but twas three hours long! I think Leo might have a shot at the whole Best Actor thing...

We sat by a couple that went to his church, and the funny thing was that Matt was just talking about them at the restaurant! Funny how things like that work...

Actually it's a funny situation really... it just goes to prove that everything does happen for a reason...and i've figured some of it least..for my story anyway...

When i was younger, my brothers and i took piano lessons through a program at First United Methodist Church called Music for Esteem. It was every Thursday afternoon, and volunteers would come pick me up from Jackson Middle. SO that introduced me to a lot of the members of the church...and it was a conversation starter when i first met Matt and found out that he was a member of FUMC....

Before i even knew of Matt, his mom knew my brother Virgilio because Matt's sister, Nancy and my brother are in the same grade. So Virgilio has always loved reading. So i guess Mrs. Clayton volunteered a lot around the classroom and noticed my brother's passion for one day he comes home with a big box of books that one of the homeroom mothers gave him. Guess whose they were? I didn't even realize they were Matt's until Virgilio mentioned that he had them! So..hmmm indeed..

So 4 more days until Murray. I'm excited about going back and getting started. I"ve had fun playing mom...well really i've been playing dad by taking my brothers to and from school.

I bet the workers at Blockbuster get sick of seeing me everyday. We have the unlimited one month pass thing and so the workers there know me on a first name my family has pretty much seen all the new movies..including Troy and The Village..which is still out everytime i go and will be for a very long time.

Well that's bout it kids, i'm getting some beauty sleep. Peace out

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

On the Twelfth Day of January, this is what i did....

You are a hopeless romantic person. You think of
love as an innocent light. You are a happy
person and you are also opptimistic. You like
the bright things in life. Many people like
you for your 'breath of fresh air attitude'.

Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only
brought to you by Quizilla

Today is the 12th day of the New Year, and i still haven't really done anything majorly productive...i figure i'd enjoy this break while i can before i go back to It's also 60 degrees outside. The bugs are back, and our trees in our front yard are blooming...and it's only January!

My dad and i went to the dentist today. I think my dentist was hitting on me. Twas rather amusing really. He asked me where i was from and naturally i said the Philippines. I never know how to answer that question. I mean, i expect it to come up sometime, but then when i answer that i'm from around here they get this quizzical look on their faces as if they don't really believe me...which leads me to explain pretty much my whole life story...Another thing i hate is when they try to tell me all about the Philippines...i just nod my head and smile and think yea man i'm from there.... Anyway, back to the dentist who was hitting on he asks me if i have a boyfriend i'm like why does it matter? So i said yes and his name is Matt and the dentist is like, well that's the only part of the checkup you yea...either that or he just has a really weird sense of humor. And is it REALLLLLY necessary for them to scrape my teeth?? It only makes me tense up and cringe because it reminds me of nails on a chalkboard. *shudder* Yea..not a big fan of the dentist. I should have worn my shirt that says "Je ne vous aime pas."

For the record, i hate racer touch...but the good news is that i got to reschedule my math class! Yay for that and so now all i have to do is get signed into Dr. Masthay's chem class and i'm good to go. 18 freakin hours this semester...WOOHOO except this time i'm really going to kick ass.

Well well i'm going to go fold some more laundry.

Peace out

Monday, January 10, 2005

And i know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem.....

But if i know youuuuu i'll know what you'll'll love me at once, the way you did once uponnnn a dreeeaaam....

SOrry i'm singing Disney songs (so what else is new) and this one from Sleeping Beauty just happened to be running through my head at the moment

So it's 12:35 in Jackson and for some reason i can't go to bed...must be from all that tea at Chili's....

Today was the first day of 2005 that the sun graced us with its presence. It was unusually warm for a January...very spring like and i wasn't one to complain. But of course where did i end up spending my day? Indoors...doing kickboxing and hanging around the mall while waiting to pick up my brother from playing tennis...but at least i'm getting exercise...but i really need to just stop "hanging" around the mall...or any other store for a while...because i go to a store with nothing in mind to buy...and then i "try" on some clothes that look cute and fit and they just happen to be $ yah got 2 sexy shirts for $5...Oooh la la indeed

I'm kind of ready to go back to Murray..i don't know how many times i've said that...i know i'll probably regret saying that once i go back...but wait..i don't have regrets, at least that's the way i try to look at life. Sure there were plenty of other roads i could have taken but i truly believe that we take the roads that we take for a reason. Whether that reason is evident or not, we'll all eventually figure it out, even if it is much much later.

I think the whole rescheduling situation will work if only i could get a hold of the math teacher that i want...but i'm fairly excited about this semester. In a way it's going to be better that we don't have as many breaks this's pretty much from the 18th until Spring break. Of course i'll probably come home a weekend or two in between that...need to look around for a dress for my aunt's wedding in July...that's going to be really exciting!

I'm contemplating whether to take a shower now and stay up for a while waiting for my hair to dry...or...just go ahead and go to bed, take my bros to school in the morning, work out and THEN...shower after that...i think i'm going to do the latter.

So from me to you here's a Goodnight and Peace out

Random Movie Quote of the Day:

"Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes."

-Jim Carey in Bruce Almighty

Speaking of Bruce Almighty...i can't believe Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt are separating...something that i just glanced at on the net...they were a beautiful pair...o well i guess all things must eventually come to an end. Nite ya'll

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

um i can't think of a clever title for this entry?

1. Renda
2. Ran
3. Rondi Roo Roo
4. Akka

1. being Filipino
2. my outgoing personality
3. my smile
4. my hair

1. don't hate...procrastinate? (which is a thing that i hate..b/c..i do it)
2. i can be impatient
3. i worry too much
4. i'm messy

1. filipino-we're a variety of cultures
2. probably a little bit of spanish in there somewhere...del rosario and palma are definitely spanish
3. dawila is indonesian
4. gozum is turkish

1. Sigma house
2. Sig Ep house
3. Kaylen's living room
4. well anywhere as long as i'm with friends

1. people who can't drive
2. snakes
3. death
4. my chemistry professor

1. i'm not a hater, i'm a lover
2. people who don't turn on their blinkers
3. people who are close minded
4. the smell of cigarette smoke

1. cell phone
2. lipgloss
3. food, clothing, shelter
4. all you need is love

1. nothing..i mean...
2. Red Pj's with snowboarders on it
3. shirt with airbrushed soccer ball and my name that i made in middle school
4. watch

1. jamie cullum
2. jack johnson
3. frank sinatra
4. beach boys

1. "But for Now" -Jamie Cullum
2. "Lose My Breath" -Destiny's Child
3. Anything Disney
4. Anything Sinatra

2. Filipino food
3. pasta
4. Chocolate

1. lots of laughter
2. love and respect
3. spontaneity and romance
4. trust and a lack of jealousy

1. eyes
2. their ability to humor me
3. their ability of have a conversation
4. honesty

1. shopping for takes a long time..and i always have to chop them off at least 4 inches..AND compromise with a 4 inch heel....
2. ski fast
3. reach high objects
4. run a mile in ten minutes..

1. scrapbooking
2. journaling..or blogging....
3. shopping?
4. reading

1. good grades
2. better gun control and parole think i'm joking...seriously there are so many sickos out the woman who claimed she was pregnant and murdered this woman who was pregnant for real and stole her baby of 8 months...geezzzz louiseee
3. um...a car?
4. where is the love?

1. pediatrician
2. President of the Philippines
3. Ambassador
4. Cardiologist

1. Philippines
2. Belgium
3. Hawaii
4. Sydney, Australia

1. get married to someone who's crazy enough to marry me
2. have lots and lots of babies
3. go scuba diving
4. run a marathon

1. a good shoulder rub/massage?
2. hugs
3. the colors red and pink
4. chocolate

1. Imitation of Life
2. Anything Disney
3. My Best Friend's Wedding
4. Xmen movies

1. Alias
2. Jeopardy...
3. Sex and the City
4. Oprah...

Thank you Cristina for yet another survey for me to fill to take up time! These are fun

FOr those of you that i have not greeted...Happy 2005 Yay for another great beginning. I know how much you all have been anticipating this post..since my last post was ..well..last year

SO i've been pretty much been chillin at home with family..chillin round jackson with friends...getting fat by watching movies...(thank you unilimited rental at blockbuster for only $14.99!) and working out..doing pilates..that sorta thing... seriously..i have 6 months to look fabulous for my aunt's wedding...since i am the maid of honor!

Blahhhh looks like i'll be on the phone with racer touch all day tomorrow to reconfigure my schedule fo this semester

Oy i'm kinda ready to go back to brothers are at school...parents are i've pretty much taken on the role as the housecleaner/chauffer...not that i gives me something to do but i am ready for some brain stimulation...but is nice to be able to sleep in for a little bit...and work out! It feels so good afterwards..but I miss everyone!!

So ok i have a busy day tomorrow..driving round town,lunch con mi papa, workin out, shopping..meeting friends..what not so anyways...i'm peacing out