Monday, January 10, 2005

And i know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem.....

But if i know youuuuu i'll know what you'll'll love me at once, the way you did once uponnnn a dreeeaaam....

SOrry i'm singing Disney songs (so what else is new) and this one from Sleeping Beauty just happened to be running through my head at the moment

So it's 12:35 in Jackson and for some reason i can't go to bed...must be from all that tea at Chili's....

Today was the first day of 2005 that the sun graced us with its presence. It was unusually warm for a January...very spring like and i wasn't one to complain. But of course where did i end up spending my day? Indoors...doing kickboxing and hanging around the mall while waiting to pick up my brother from playing tennis...but at least i'm getting exercise...but i really need to just stop "hanging" around the mall...or any other store for a while...because i go to a store with nothing in mind to buy...and then i "try" on some clothes that look cute and fit and they just happen to be $ yah got 2 sexy shirts for $5...Oooh la la indeed

I'm kind of ready to go back to Murray..i don't know how many times i've said that...i know i'll probably regret saying that once i go back...but wait..i don't have regrets, at least that's the way i try to look at life. Sure there were plenty of other roads i could have taken but i truly believe that we take the roads that we take for a reason. Whether that reason is evident or not, we'll all eventually figure it out, even if it is much much later.

I think the whole rescheduling situation will work if only i could get a hold of the math teacher that i want...but i'm fairly excited about this semester. In a way it's going to be better that we don't have as many breaks this's pretty much from the 18th until Spring break. Of course i'll probably come home a weekend or two in between that...need to look around for a dress for my aunt's wedding in July...that's going to be really exciting!

I'm contemplating whether to take a shower now and stay up for a while waiting for my hair to dry...or...just go ahead and go to bed, take my bros to school in the morning, work out and THEN...shower after that...i think i'm going to do the latter.

So from me to you here's a Goodnight and Peace out

Random Movie Quote of the Day:

"Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes."

-Jim Carey in Bruce Almighty

Speaking of Bruce Almighty...i can't believe Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt are separating...something that i just glanced at on the net...they were a beautiful pair...o well i guess all things must eventually come to an end. Nite ya'll


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