Saturday, December 25, 2004

Pasko! Pasko! Pasko nanaman uli!!!

Maligayang Pasko Everyone!! Or Joyeux Noel or Feliz Navidad..either way MERRY CHRISTMAS!

SO this is Christmas

Spent Christmas Eve chillin...watched Titanic with my brother and funny is that? Great movie btw..classic love story

Went grocery shoppin for the post Christmas/pre New Year party on the 26th

Had fondue for dinner! Twas great...nice change from the typical dinner! Note to self: Try to find one for the familia

Had my uncle's brother come over...traded presents, talked about TN, they commented on our "American" accent, the weather and all that jazz...had tea and cookies

Looked outside the window and a neighbor was up on the roof dressed up as Santa! How cute

So 2004 was a fairly good year...had ups and downs...but what year doesn' here's what needs to happen in 2005:

Next semester will definitely have to be kick ass

I really need to focus more on my needs and not what others want or expect of me, that includes trying to please's just not feasible

Slow down and absorb everything that happens-i go through life too fast it seems

Start being decisive as opposed to being INdecisive (i think it has something to do with my zodiac sign...if one believes in all that)

These aren't resolutions...these are what NEEDS to happen

and another thing-I don't make sense a lot of times...that needs to change as well

so i'm getting off here before i don't make any more sense

Maligayang Pasko! more to come later


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