Saturday, December 11, 2004

Baby All I Want For Christmas IS...... people wont' stop asking me what i want for Christmas...Honestly I can't think of anything that i really want or need, i pretty much have everything that i could possibly need...Christmas just doesn't become such a big deal anymore present wise as you get older...more about those dead presidents on green paper... lol..but no really the presents no longer becomes a matter of spending time with loved ones and eating FABULOUS FOOD..but anyways...i have compiled a list of things that i DO like....

Sigma Sigma Sigma

Smelling scents that i like: Anything pretty much bath and body works-esp. Sweet Pea, Cotton Blossom, Juniper Breeze...anything Mango

The colors Red, Pink, Purple, and Green depending on the mood

Lip Gloss..Lip stuff...but not LIPSTICK!! Whether Flavored, Shimmery..whatever


Old Navy

Rue 21

(I've gotten to the point where i'm just trying to basify and simplify my wardrobe...nothing too wild that i can't wear over and over again...)

I could use a pair of REAL tennis shoes...

Artists/Music that i currently Like:

Jamie Cullum

Jack Johnson

Frank Sinatra

Romantic Piano Music

Disney songs!!!

Other than that, i'm a fairly easy person to please...SURPRISE ME! ;-)

Although I would LOVE to see Miss Saigon sometime and possibly a new car..and maybe a trip around the world...hmm...

Anyways peace out playas



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